About me
Who am I?
Isn't that a question we sometimes ask ourselves?
I do, most of the time.
In real life, I am Loes, a working civil servant, yes, you have those as well, honest. I live in The Netherlands and I am Dutch, although some people complain that I am too anglizised for their liking.

Married since June 7th 1982 to Ian, an Englishman and happily together with him since two years before we got married to the day. He was reading a book I hadn't read yet and anyway, it was lust at first sight, love came a couple of seconds later.
We have no children, by choice, since we both have little patience with children under the age of 10. We figure that the world is full with people who love children and want children, they should try and procreate in this fashion and be very happy. We like to play with children and then give them back after half an hour. Good luck to the ones who want children.
My hobbies are rather diverse but not physical consuming. Reading, writing, RPGs, drawing. Used to like painting, clay modelling and miniature modelling but that is really on a back burner now. Besides, Ian got a bit tired explaining to me which colours I was slapping on paintings. It doesn't help very much if you're colour-deaf (silly grin).
I do not consider myself colour-blind, because I can see the different colours. It is only when silly people think it is a good idea to put colour-letters on a coloured sheet that I get confused. To me it is just a coloured piece of paper with nothing on it. And the colour light-green. It disappears. Great fun when you see bodyless people walking around.
In 1998 I started to write a detective-novel and at the end of it found that I made a serious mistake in the last chapter, which had implications to earlier chapters and got hopelessly stuck, couldn't get back into it. Drat and double drat. That's when I surfed the Net and found Fanfiction. The Pretender came first. Then, one evening, I was working on the computer and heard Lani Tupu playing The Captain. His voice, beautiful. That is what drew me to Farscape, Captain Bialar Crais, The Crais Cohorts and Lani Tupu. The rest is history.
Went to Starfury Deviant in London in 2002 to see Lani Tupu, that was my first Convention and when I could go to America, the first stop to make was Chicago to go to the ScaperCon (2003), to see Lani Tupu. Met some wonderful people there (apart from Lani Tupu and the guests). Crais Cohorts and RPG-players. Have gone to the last Convention (Pittsburgh 2004), to vist friends and to see (no points for guessing) Lani Tupu and will continue to go to more.
See some of my pictures about Hubby and me
Sayings to cheer you up or to provoke
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Bialar Crais
Lani John Tupu
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