Fanfiction on Captain Bialar Crais by GitonCrais
This page contains all the Fanfiction written by me (Giton or GitonCrais) on Captain Bialar Crais to date. The Captain is such a wonderful character to write about. Complex, unpredictable, passionate.

I have this horrible habit of writing Crais-stories in different cycles and different orders. Each of the links below will take you to a cycle in The life of the Captain, where the stories are listed. The list will be in chronological order of Crais' adventures rather than in order of appearance of the story. The date at the end will be the actual date of appearance. Just click on the title to read the story. Page-back in top left corner. Enjoy!

For easy sake, here is the disclaimer to all stories, well meant and thanks to the original writers of Farscape, without them there wouldn't have been a good series to watch or a great character to write about:
Disclaimer: "Farscape" is a protected trademark and I am just borrowing the characters. I promise to give them back once I have used them, hopefully more or less intact.
Before becoming the Captain of Talyn:
Nothing written about that period yet but in the process of writing the Hynerian Campaign
First Cycle on board Talyn:
15 stories. Known to the rest of Farscape as Season Two.
Second Cycle on board Talyn:
11 stories. Known as Season Three
After StarBurst on the Command Carrier:
10 stories. Crais and Talyn after they StarBurst inside the Command Carrier
After StarBurst on the Command Carrier and after 4.22:
5 stories. Alternative Universe(s)
With others, Round Robins and such:
Drabbles (4), Haiku (5), and Writing Round Robins (3) with others
WARNING!!! These are considered NC17-stories, if you don't like our characters recreating, please don't read. I don't want to offend anyone. Please be 18 years or older before reading them, it holds no interest for you when you are under that age and it will keep me out of trouble if you don't read them. So, be nice, don't want to have a problem with your parents. (3 stories so far)
Non-Farscape Fanfiction by GitonCrais
Fanfiction on Sydney Green of the television series The Pretender
Bialar Crais
Lani John Tupu
Pictures Capt. Bialar Crais
Pictures LaniTupu
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