Wiggers Family Reunion 2004
Wiggers, Then and Now
I cannot escape including this page on the website (grin). (for more Wiggers, click on "More Wiggers"...obviously)
Saturday, 14th August 2004, we held the family reunion. And this time we were joined by the family who went overseas a long time ago (between 30 and 45 years ago). They came from far and wide (Canada, America and Hawaii) and also close by (Holland).
It was great fun to see familiar and not so familiar faces and having a great time in the progress. Our thanks go to Ferry and Inge for organising this, which can't have been easy. 90 (or thereabouts) turned up.
As is custom in Indonesian family-gatherings, the food was almost continuous and one cannot insult the cook, the hosts, the family by not eating. Not that one was prone to do so, the food was lovely. Diet had to take a back seat that day (and Wednesday too).
With so many (un)familiar faces, it was not surprising that I embraced the caterer, thinking he was part of the family too. Poor man.
After observing the family, I now have a different theory why the family is dispersed so far and wide. Maybe not to find new horizons but rather like "taking a wrong turning and getting lost while going to the baker's". Strange sense of direction. (big grin).
Maybe next time we can hold the reunion in 5 years time instead of 10 years and I hope to see you all then. We promised to stay in touch.
In my Convention-report of May, I included the line that it was like saying goodbye to a cousin when we said goodbye to Lani.
Check out Cousin Nico, was I really that far off with my remark?
Ian and Me