Drabble-challenge on the Cohort’s Board to write a short of 100-words or less


Infinite Darkness

by GitonCrais


Darkness. Chaos. Panic. Pain.

The smell of burnt conduits.

Sounds of electrics sparking.

A guiding hand, not guiding. Pulling.

"I know my own ship."

Impact with the wall.

The hand pulls again.

The familiar deck, not familiar anymore.

Have to stay calm.

Panic from the youngster.

I don't know where we are.

Words echoed in his mind.

Are they his own or are they his?

Why didn't he listen?


He understands.

Still, the darkness is frightening.

Have to stay calm.

Incessant chatter is disorientating him.

Which console is under his hands?

Don't panic.

The darkness is infinite.


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FanFiction on Captain Bialar Crais